From Elisa:
John Muir, a man who loved, studied, and worked to conserve our beautiful natural treasures such as Yosemite, said “Whenever we try to isolate anything in the universe, we find that it’s hitched up to everything else.”
Muir's wise words inspired me to write THE DANCING DEER AND THE FOOLISH HUNTER.
Dutton Children's Books, 2002
A dancing deer teaches a greedy, shortsighted hunter a lesson about the interconnectedness of all living things.
“Kleven’s signature kaleidoscopic blend of color and texture and her respect-for-nature theme never disappoint.”
-- Publishers Weekly
“A wonderful, wonder tale about connections in nature.”
--Esme Raji Codell, author of How to Get Your Child to Love Reading
“The Dancing Deer and the Foolish Hunter is a clever, cumulative tale filled with lively collage art and great humorous touches. Just right for storytime, this original tale introduces an important environmental message. But perhaps more importantly, it will leave young readers with the urge to get up and dance for joy.”
--Debrah Hopkinson, The Book Page